ME: I'm Vegan!
Friends: So you eat beans and tofu??
ME: No...I'm a Alkaline Vegan, I don't eat starch, soy, or beans!
Friends: So what do you eat?
Me: Let me show you!
This is how the meetup's began! My friends asking about my veganism, how I started and how they could add some dishes that are tastebud worthy into their diets! So instead of continuing the tread of text I decided to have them over, cook for them, have great conversation, and leave them with recipes!
This opened a whole new realm of sisterhood for me with these ladies! The dialect became way more then just food and eating healthy! It went into spirituality, birthing babies, healthy minds, healthy circles of people,healthy
relationships, healthy vaginas! Everything you can think of we touched on!
This particular meet up was all about being a Goddess, eating sexy, feeling sexy and looking sexy!
So I chose to feature one of my favorite vegan cook books. "Eat Yourself Sexy" by Lauren Von Der Pool! I tweeked some of the recipes in the book to acclimate to the cold New York seasonal foods. Amazing enough, it worked out! I was able to share my creativity with these beauties, and we had an amazing time! Check out the photos and video clips below!